CdECA Membership Application
Welcome! We are thrilled that you’re interested in bolstering your involvement in the Cirneco dell’Etna by exploring Club membership. Before you start the application process, we’d like to summarize a bit about our purpose and goals:
The primary function of the Cirneco dell’Etna Club of America (CdECA) is to educate the public about the history, qualities, training, and care for this important breed. When it comes to purebred Cirnechi dell’Etna in the United States, we are committed to encouraging and promoting excellence in quality breeding and performance. With a strict adherence to the breed standard, we strive to help bring natural qualities to perfection while focusing on preservation. We are also devoted to rescue, and otherwise ensuring humane treatment for all Cirnechi dell’Etna throughout the continental U.S.
Whether you’re a pet owner or fancier of the breed, CdECA invites all Cirneco enthusiasts who subscribe to the goals of the Club to join us. If you would like to help CdECA fulfill its mission as the breed parent club, and you are in good standing with the AKC, ENCI, or FCI, please submit your membership application!
There are three membership categories and at least one of them is likely your perfect fit.
Individual Membership is a full-privilege membership for individuals who are at least 18 years-old. Privileges include voting, holding office, and sponsorship of new members. In addition to submission of application materials, admission to this membership level requires sponsorship by two CdECA members in good standing.
Junior Membership is available to individuals 9 to 18 years of age and pays no dues.
Newsletter Membership is an introductory and limited-benefit membership that is exempt from the requirement of sponsorship by CdECA members. Approval is automatic, upon submission. This membership provides prospective Individual members the opportunity to engage in Club activities and meet CdECA members.
Join CdECA
By clicking on the selected membership button, the applicable membership packet will be download to your computer.
CdECA Legal:- Articles of Incorporation | Bylaws | Code of Ethics
Mailing Address:
CdECA Membership Committee
1213 Hollow Pine Drive
Oviedo, FL 32765
Primitive Hunter – Bed Warmer